January 2024

Pastor’s Note and Intro to Knox News:

It might not be the most relevant time to be talking about gardening, but it seems like the right time to be talking about cultivating faith in a rocky world. 

Jesus spoke of a sower going out to sow seeds. Some fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some amongst thorns, some on good soil (producing a harvest exceeding the sower’s wildest dreams) Mark 4:1-20.

We may be far too familiar with all that blocks God’s word and way from entering and strengthening our life; too much frenzied activity, too little depth, too much trouble, too many allurements – we get it. But what about the good soil? What does it take to cultivate good soil?

The good soil exists in each of us. In that we were created in the image of God, our soul is designed to attend to God’s voice, God’s word, God’s will. In ways we do not always know and in places we cannot always see, God’s word is taking root and bearing fruit. It takes a miracle to just get a tomato and it takes a miracle for the word of God to take root in our lives, bring understanding, prompt action, and equip devoted disciples. 

Our part in the miracle of growth is to stay close to Jesus and make sure the traffic, shallow thinking, and unhealthy attachments don’t block the potential of the word and way of God to renew faith and transform life. We live in a rocky world, and fortunately, the Sower, keeps sowing seeds and inviting us to cultivate faith and watch miracles happen, beyond our wildest dreams.



February 2024


December 2023