November 2023

Pastor’s Note and Intro to Knox News:

I watched the congregation come forward on Sunday to dedicate our pledges to God. Bold steps were taken to dedicate gifts and devote life to God’s holy work.

The Tuesday prior steps were taken by caring individuals who had prepared over 260 meals, organized groceries, and greeted neighbors with needed food. 

Friday evening women stepped into Trinity Hall for Breathe. They sought company, rest, care, and joy.

I think of all the ways I’ve seen us as a congregation stepping into new beginnings, new connections, new patterns for faith and discipleship.

We might not always know where these steps will take us, but we begin by faith in the One who invites us on a journey.

There are times when I’m looking around at the number of projects I need to take care of in our farmhouse built in 1870. As long as the projects are all bundled together in my mind, I will do nothing. But when I take on just one, it feels doable. And maybe that’s our way forward.

It is usually too daunting to harass ourselves with the list of all that needs to be done in repairing the world and repairing our lives. So, we think of one thing in our life. And maybe one thing beyond our life. One step we want to take in our personal growth (daily prayer & Bible study, regular giving, a support group, weekly worship). One step we want to take in service (becoming a mentor, helping with community meal, serving as an elder or deacon, getting to know our neighbors).

But before we start stepping, we thank God for courage kindled and ask God to lead the way. We realize that God causes the growth, God heals the world, and God takes our hand, calls us beloved, and leads us forward step by step.



December 2023


October 2023