March 2024

Pastor’s Note and Intro to Knox News:

Ash Wednesday and the first Sunday of Lent had passed when Susanne asked our staff Tuesday morning to share what we were grateful for from the past week; how had we seen God at work.

In the act of sharing and listening, I was taken by the energy that filled the room and the need we all had to look back and claim moments of inspiration, grace, struggle, kindness – so many examples of your goodness and God’s presence.

It made me wonder why we don’t do this more often.

This daily practice circulating around the world for centuries is known as the Examen

The five fundamental parts consist of:

1. Gratitude: Think through your day and give thanks for what you are grateful for.

2. Review: Remember each hour of the day, noticing where you felt God’s presence and where you either entered into or turned away from God’s activity in your midst.

3. Sorrow: Recall actions for which you are sorry.

4. Forgiveness: Ask for God’s forgiveness. Make plans to reconcile with anyone you have hurt or to forgive and reconcile with those who have hurt you.

5. Grace: Ask for God’s grace for the coming day and an increased ability to recognize God’s presence.

This practice is a way for us to notice God’s work within us and around us. It is a way to live more intentionally and cultivate faith and devotion throughout Lent. Try it for a week and at the end of the week find someone to share what you discovered.

Grateful for you,  



April 2024


February 2024